Archive for the Don and Mike Show Category

Blogs, Forum Boards and Videotape

Posted in Cental Maine Sports Blog, Don and Mike Show, Larry King, Long Live Frank Fixaris, New England Patriots, WJAB, WJZF on September 22, 2008 by cmsplog

I haven’t had a pulpit of late so here goes, In the immortal words of Larry King, in a soundbyte frequently played on a certain AM station, of a show originating in Washington, DC, on a radio station with call letters of a popular and assassinated President of the United States…”Let me ask ya something…Why ya care”

What makes someone, who so vehemently claims to have no caring, no stake, no interest in a subject (or radio station) feel the need to continue to slam, criticize and overall attempt to minimize the contribution said subject (or radio station) has in a particular area? Is it jealousy, is it ignorance, what? What is the thing that calls a person to a keyboard and be critical? It continues to astonish me how negative people can be about a subject they continue to show pure ignorance and disdain for, yet time and again, prove they continue to partake in that activity. It really is like the proverbial kid with a knife in the light socket. How many times do you need to go back before you totally realize you dislike something? The biggest sin in all of this, of course, is this criticism lies in secrecy, for the ability to speak their minds in an “open” forum doesn’t offer them the anonymity and self righteous safe havens they require to be that “honest”. That might require just a smidge of intestinal fortitude. So, again, please just stop. If something makes you ill to the level this subject (or radio station) continues to make you, leave it be. Don’t call, don’t write emails, don’t join contests, just go away from it. Find those things that make you and your kind truly happy, because in the end, people around you will be much happier…..really they will…

This out of context rambling brought to you by…The New England Patriots….My inability to comprehend what happened today has forced a out deep seeded, sideways thinking opinion that may have been better left unsaid, unwritten and in need of diagnosis.

PS 12:40 Monday – While there were direct comments that fueled this rant, after a good nights sleep and a reassessment of our little football team, the intended target was the whole sports radio/forum/blog thingy has been captured by the haters, no matter what team it is. If you listen to Philly stations or go to Philly blogs it is filled with spew from Dallas and New York. And you can go down the line to see it time and again. That’s why we at the CMSB try to offer more than the surface critique of things. That while I tend to wear Patriots colored glasses, I really try hard to see the game for the game sake, and that discourse seems to be going away from these forums. I want a return to good natured ribbing combined with common sense ideas about the game, maybe that is asking too much, maybe not, but thats what I want.

These opinions and rantings are not necessarily the opinions and rantings of the staff, owners nor the other contributors of The Central Maine Sports Blog.